Academic Learning Social Enrichment College Career Building

Summer Programs in the Silicon Valley

UC Berkeley ATDP
ATDP Grades 9-12

Academic Talent Development Program

Graduate School of Education UC Berkeley

Develop academic talents for successful college career

UC Berkeley Lawrence Science Internship
LSI Grades 8-12

Lawrence Science Internship

Lawrence Hall of Science UC Berkeley

Discover STEM career with Berkeley’s maker program

UC Berkeley Writing Fundation for College & Career
WFCC Grades 9-12

Writing Fundation for College and Career

Bay Area Writing Project Graduate School of Education UC Berkeley

Take control of all writing needs for college and career

UC Berkeley Summer Sessions
SSD College students

Summer Session D

Summer Sessions UC Berkeley

Study and live like a Berkeley student for a summer

Ohlone for Kids & Teens
OFK Grades 4-9

Ohlone for Kids and Teens

Silicon Valley School District & Ohlone College San Jose State University

Go to classes with local students in the Silicon Valley

WALEX Talent Development Program
WALEX Grades 4-9

WALEX Talent Development Program


Learn by play STEAM education through AI-assisted Edutainment platform


Develop your Academic Talents.

Nurture your Cultural Knowledge.

Help Achieve your Best Self into the future.

Learn more about CFM >>

Memories have been made, achievements have been broken. The best two weeks of my life were here at Berkeley! Go Bears!

— Lester (G7), Walex 2019

Pursue a Life-Changing Experience

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ATDP Science Advanced Chemistry class
LSI students visiting BAIR lab
CFM Summer students going white water rafting
WALEX students visiting USS Hornet
SSD students visiting Autodesk

All the Flowers of Tomorrow
are in the Seeds of Today